13,9636 g, 4 Ducat Gold Coin 1915

The coins of the past, so called restrikes, are newly minted gold coins, with the same print on the front and back of the coin as it was when the coin was in circulation. They usually differ from the original in the strike year. All Ducat Gold Coins have the original image from year 1872. The strike year on the coin is 1915.

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Mint Münze Österreich, Austria
Purity 986 / 1000
Dimensions (diameter) 39,5 mm
Face Value 4 Ducats
Gold Content 13,7696 g
Mass    13,9636 g
Purity 986/1000
Delivery On stock
Tax Based on Art. 118 and Art. 119 of Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1) bullion gold is exempted from VAT in Slovenia.
Mint Austrian Mint