7 g, 1000. obletnica prve pisne omembe Bleda I.kov (2004) **

Ob nakupu zlatnika prejmete darilo, knjigo Prelepi gorenjski svet, stare razglednice iz zbirke Leopolda Kolmana.

Več podatkov


800,00 €

Obvesti me, ko pade cena

Masa 7 g
Čistina 900 / 1000
Vsebnost zlata 6,3 g
Mera kovanca (premer) 24 mm
Nominala 25 000 tolarjev
Leto kovanja 2004
Naklada    300 kovancev

Vir: Banka Slovenije

“Dežela Kranjska nima lepš´ga kraja, ko je z okol´šč´no ta podoba raja!” S tem verzom je véliki slovenski pesnik dr. France Prešeren (1800-1849) opisal Bled.
Bled že dolgo slovi po vsem svetu po izjemnih naravnih lepotah in zgodovinskih znamenitostih – jezeru z otokom, cerkvijo na otoku z zvonom želja, gradu, ki gnezdi na skalni gmoti nad jezerom, arheoloških najdbah in drugih lepotah. Posebnost kraja in turistične ponudbe so vožnja s kočijo okoli jezera, tradicionalni prevozi na otok z velikim čolnom s streho – pletnjo, s kulinaričnega področja pa po kremnih rezinah.
Prvi sledovi človeka na Bledu segajo v kameno dobo, pod gradom pa so našli predmete iz starejše železne dobe. Bled so gosteje naselili šele Slovani v obdobju od 9. do 10. stoletja. Prvič je Bled pisno omenjen v listini, s katero je nemški cesar Henrik II. aprila 1004 podelil briksenškemu škofu posestvo Bled (Veldes) na Kranjskem. Leta 1011 jim je podaril še romanski stolp z obzidjem, ki je bil zametek današnjega Blejskega gradu.
Fotokopija originalne darilne listine iz leta 1004 je shranjena na gradu v muzejski zbirki, ki prikazuje tudi najstarejšo zgodovino Bleda s prvimi izkopaninami in grad v posameznih stopnjah zgodovinskega razvoja.
Na Blejskem jezeru, ki je nastalo ob umiku bohinjskega ledenika, je otok s cerkvijo. Temelji predromanske kapele so verjetno edini odkriti primer kultnega objekta iz tega obdobja na našem ozemlju. Po pisnih virih naj bi bila prva zidana cerkev posvečena leta 1142. Današnja oblika cerkve je iz 17. stoletja, njena znamenitost pa je zvon želja, izdelan leta 1534 v Padovi. 
Med prvimi obiskovalci Bleda so bili romarji, ki so romali k Mariji na otoku. Začetki intenzivnega turizma segajo v leto 1855, ko je švicarski hidropat Arnold Rikli ustanovil Naravni zdravilni zavod s kopališči.
Ob 1000-letnici prve pisne omembe Bleda, obletnici, ki ni pomembna samo za turizem na Bledu, temveč tudi za promocijo Slovenije, Republika Slovenija izdaja priložnostne kovance, na katerih je prikazana silhueta otoka s cerkvijo in grajska vzpetina z gradom.

  • nominalna vrednost 25.000 SIT, čistina Au 900/1000, teža 7 gramov, premer: 24 milimetrov, izdano 300 kovancev.

Avtor idejnega osnutka za zlatnik: Boštjan Gabrovšek, Tržič
Medaljerska dela: Jan Černaj, Mincovna Kremnica, š. p., Slovaška
Izdelava in kovanje: Mincovna Kremnica, š. p., Slovaška

- – -

1000th anniversary of the first written mention of Bled (2004)

“The province of Carniola has no more beautiful spot than this vision of paradise!” These words were used by France Prešeren (1800-1849), Slovenia’s greatest poet, to describe the town of Bled . 
For many years Bled has been known around the world for its natural beauty and historical monuments, such as the lake with its island, the church on the island with the wishing bell, and the castle on the cliff overlooking the lake, while other features unique to the area are the horse carriage “fijakarji” , and so are the boatmen who take visitors to the island on the traditional “pletnja”, and is Bled’s famous dessert “kremšnita”.
The first traces of human activity in Bled date from the Stone Age, and remains from the Early Iron Age were found under the castle, but the area was only settled to any great degree by the Slavs in the 9th and 10th centuries.
The first written mention of Bled is in the charter by which the German Emperor Henry II conferred the estate of Bled (Veldes) in Carniola on the Bishop of Brixen in April 1004. In 1011 he also gave them a walled Romanesque tower, the beginnings of today’s Bled Castle. A photocopy of the original charter from 1004 is kept in the castle museum, which also features the earliest history of Bled with the first excavations and shows the castle at different stages of its historical development.
In Lake Bled, which was formed by the retreat of the Bohinj glacier, there is an island with a church. The foundations of the pre-Romanesque chapel are probably the only example of a cult object from that period found in Slovenia. Written sources put the consecration of the first stone church as having taken place in 1142. The current design is from the 17th century, and an interesting feature is the wishing bell, made in 1534 in Padua. Among the first visitors to Bled were pilgrims who came to the island to worship the Virgin Mary, and the beginnings of mass tourism came in 1855, when the Swiss hydropath Arnold Rikli established a spa institute and baths.
To mark the 1000th anniversary of the first written mention of Bled , a celebration that is important not just to tourism in Bled, but to the promotion of the whole country, the Republic of Slovenia is issuing commemorative coins featuring a silhouette of the island and church and the castle heights.

  • Gold Coin; nominal value: 25,000 tolars, purity: Au 900/1000, weight: 7 g, diameter: 24 mm, series issued: 300 coins

Original design for gold coins by: Boštjan Gabrovšek, Tržič
Coin engraving created by: Jan Černaj, Mincovna Kremnica š.p., Slovakia
Production and minting: Mincovna Kremnica š.p., Slovakia

Čistina 900/1000
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