Ni izdelkov
Masa | 7 g | ||
Čistina | 900 / 1000 | ||
Vsebnost zlata | 6,3 g |
Mera kovanca (premer) | 24 mm |
Nominala | 20 000 tolarjev |
Leto kovanja | 2002 | ||
Naklada | 1.500 kovancev | ||
Vir: Banka Slovenije
Udeležba slovenske nogometne reprezentance na svetovnem prvenstvu leta 2002 je bila za svetovno nogometno javnost presenečenje. Uvrstitev naše ekipe med dvaintrideset reprezentanc, ki so se pomerile na svetovnem prvenstvu, pa je resnično velik uspeh. Tako so eni od reprezentanc udeleženk na začetku iger zaigrali Prešernovo Zdravljico.
Dosežki slovenske reprezentance so bistveno povečali zanimanje za nogomet pri nas in pomenijo premik v zavesti športnih navdušencev. Tako imenovana nogometna pravljica je tudi v naših mestih spodbudila prizore množičnega navdušenja. Od tod uveljavljeno geslo: “Slovenija gre naprej!”
Motiv na kovancu se navezuje na zgodovinsko dejstvo, da je nogometna igra na Kitajskem že v prvih letih našega štetja veljala za simbol “mladega sonca”. Na kovancih sta upodobljena sonce z žarki na obzorju in človeška figura, ki prikazuje nogometaša, tik preden udari žogo. Sonce z žarki simbolno zemljepisno opredeljuje kraj prvenstva, pet žarkov pa predstavlja pet celin. Žoga – človek – sonce so trije elementi, ki tvorijo prostorsko predstavo.
Avtorji idejnega osnutka za zlatnik: Primož Gutman, Edin Okić, Urban Švegl, Matjaž Vodlan
Medaljerska dela: Jan Černaj, Mincovna Kremnica š.p.
Izdelava in kovanje: Mincovna Kremnica š. p., Kremnica, Slovaška
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On occasion of the 2002 FIFA cup Korea/Japan
On the occasion of the 2002 FIFA World Cup in Korea/Japan, the Republic of Slovenia hereby issues also gold commemorative coins. The coins are issued to praise the success of the Slovenian National Football Team, of its coach and of the Slovenian Football Association. They also express the broad Slovenian support of and adherence to sports and sports competitions in general.
The participation of the Slovenian National Football Team in the FIFA European Cup two years ago was a surprise worldwide. The qualification of the Slovenian National Football Team among the thirty-two world national teams to compete in the forthcoming World Cup is, no doubt, a great success, given that national teams of some countries considered much stronger in football have not qualified. It will be a privilege and an honour to hear the Slovenian national anthem “Zdravljica” (“A Toast”, a poem written by Slovenian greatest poet France Prešeren ) played upon the opening of the 2002 World Cup.
The achievements of the Slovenian National Team have substantially increased interest in football and have made it popular nation-wide. The so-called “football fairy tale” has triggered display of mass enthusiasm on the occasion of good achievements of the Slovenian National Team and has paved the way for the slogan “Slovenija gre naprej!” (Slovenia qualifies!).
The motif of the coin is based on the historical fact that the ball-kicking game was considered a symbol of the “rising sun” in China as early as at the beginning of the first century A.D. Depicted on the coin is the sun with sunrays on the horizon, a human shape representing a football player ready to kick, and a ball. The sun with its rays symbolically determines the venue of the World Cup in geographical sense, the five rays represent the five continents. The ball, the human being and the sun are the three elements which render three-dimensional perception possible.
Draft design: Primoz Gutman, Edin Okic, Urban Svegl, Matjaz Vodlan, Slovenia
Relief design: Jan Cernaj, State Mint, Kremnica, Slovakia
Manufactured and minted by: State Mint, Kremnica, Slovakia
Čistina | 900/1000 |
Prevzem | Takoj |
Davek | Naložbeno fizično zlato je oproščeno plačila DDV po 118. in 119. členu ZDDV-1. |