Ni izdelkov
Masa | 7 g | ||
Čistina | 900 / 1000 | ||
Vsebnost zlata | 6,3 g |
Mera kovanca (premer) | 24 mm |
Nominala | 5000 tolarjev |
Leto kovanja | 1995 | ||
Naklada | 3.000 kovancev | ||
Vir: Banka Slovenije
Leto 1945 predstavlja pomemben mejnik za vse narode in narodnosti Evrope. Končala se je druga svetovna vojna. Številne žrtve so bile potrebne za skupno zmago nad nacizmom in fašizmom. Tudi slovenskemu narodu ni bilo prizaneseno. Mnogi niso uzrli luči svobode, ko so se raztrgale spone preteklosti in ko naj bi se med ljudi vrnile edinost, sreča, sprava.
Ko se po petdesetih letih oziramo v preteklost, se vedno znova poraja vprašanje, ali so res potrebni med ljudmi tolikšni nesporazumi in med politiki tako zaletave ambicije, da se nasprotja in hotenja sprevržejo v krvavo vojno, v rušenje mest in domov nedolžnih ljudi, v podiranje vseh vezi med narodi.
V spomin na 50-letnico zmage nad nacizmom in fašizmom, izdaja Republika Slovenija tudi zlate priložnostne kovance:
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With the end of the Second world War, 1945 was a landmark year for all the nations and nationalities of Europe. The joint victory over Nazism and Fascism took a considerable toll on the victors, and the Slovenian nation was no exception. Many did not live to see the light of freedom, when the shackles of the previous years were thrown off, and when EQUALITY, JOY and RECONCILIATION could once again take their places among people.
Looking back fifty years later, the question still arises as to whether such grave disagreements between people, and the blind ambition of politicians, are really necessary, turning conflicts and desires into bloodshed, the destruction of cities and homes of the innocent, and the severing of all ties between nations.
The anniversary of the end of the war perhaps presents an ideal opportunity to call for greater cooperation, understanding and reconciliation between peoples.
May the dove of peace herald the beauty of life, harmony and peace among nations!
May differences be resolved through understanding and tolerance!
May all the nations of the world join hands for a better tomorrow for all, when there will NOWHERE and NEVER MORE be WAR nor hatred, and when the children of the world will be free to experience the joy of youth and the happiness of us all!
To mark the 50th anniversary of the victory over Nazism and Fascism, the Republic of Slovenia is issuing also gold commemorative coins:
Authors of the rough-cast design of the gold coin: Gorazd and Matjaz Ucakar, Ljubljana
Reilef design: Jan Cernaj and Vincenc Vipotnik
Minting: State Mint, Kremnica/Slovakia
Čistina | 900/1000 |
Prevzem | Takoj |
Davek | Naložbeno fizično zlato je oproščeno plačila DDV po 118. in 119. členu ZDDV-1. |