Ni izdelkov
Masa | 7 g | ||
Čistina | 900 / 1000 | ||
Vsebnost zlata | 6,3 g |
Mera kovanca (premer) | 24 mm |
Nominala | 5000 tolarjev |
Leto kovanja | 1993 | ||
Naklada | 4.000 kovancev | ||
Vir: Banka Slovenije
Veličino nekega naroda lahko presojamo tudi po njegovi kulturni preteklosti. Resnica je, da pogosto vseh tvorcev zgodovine ne omenjamo poimensko in da zato nehote izginjajo iz našega vsakodnevnega spomina. In vendar marsičesa ne bi imeli, če ne bi bilo določenih trenutkov, ki predstavljajo mejnike v nastajanju slovenske zavesti.
Gotovo je Academia operosorum labacensium, ki je leta 1693 združevala 23 zavednih znanstvenikov, večinoma slovenskega rodu, ustanova, ki zasluži našo pozornost. Njen namen ob ustanovitvi je bila organizacija znanstvenega dela na pravnem, medicinskem, filozofskem in bogoslovnem področju. Člani Academie so se poimenovali “apes” (čebele) in si prevzeli akademsko geslo “Nobis atque aliis-operosi”. Vsako leto so organizirali slovesno zborovanje in štiri akademska zasedanja, na katerih so ocenjevali sadove znanstvenega raziskovanja.
Pomembno središče delovanja operozov je bila novoustanovljena knjižnica. V dobi največjega razcveta, okrog leta 1714, je bila pod pokroviteljstvom škofa Franca Karla pl. Kaunitza celo mednarodna učena združba z 42 člani s Kranjskega in notranjeavstrijskih dežel.
Delovanje akademije je poleti 1725 zamrlo. Obnovili so ga zopet leta 1781 slovenski predstavniki razsvetljenstva. Zaradi nazorskih razhajanj med preporoditelji je žal delovala le še dobrih 20 let. Vseeno je Academia v Ljubljani zanetila živahno aktivnost in jo spremenila v cvetoče baročno mesto. Na podlagi spodbud operozov je bila v Ljubljani 1701. leta ustanovljena tudi Glasbena akademija. Academia operosorum labacensium je predhodnica današnje Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti.
V spomin na začetke slovenskega znanstveno-akademskega snovanja izdaja Republika Slovenija tudi zlat priložnostni kovanec. Na kovancu so odtisnjeni priložnostni motivi, povezani z Academio operosorum labacensium:
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300 years anniversary of the founding of the Academia Operosorum Labacensium (1993)
The greatness of a nation can be appreciated through the history of its culture. True, often we do not know the names of many of those who made history, with the result that they quite unintentionally disappear from our memory. Nevertheless, much of what we now take for granted could have never been fulfilled had not certain events taken place which represent milestones in the forming of the Slovene national consciousness.
The Academia Operosorum Labacensium is undoubtedly an institution that is fully deserving of our esteem. It was founded in 1693 as an association of 23 hard-working scientists, most of whom were of Slovene descent. From the beginning its purpose was to organise scientific work in the fields of law, medicine, philosophy and theology. The members of the Academia adopted the Latin name “apes” (bees) and the academic tag “Nobis atque aliis – operosi”.
Every year they would organise an annual meeting, as well as four other academic meetings, where the results of scientific research would be discussed. The newly-founded library became an important centre of activity of the “Operosi”. At the time of its greatest prosperity, around 1714, it was an international association of 42 members from Carniola and the countries of central Austria assembled under the patronage of the bishop Franz Karl von Kaunitz. The Academia fell into decline in the summer of 1725. It was revived in 1781, thanks to the efforts of Slovene members of the Enlightenment. Unfortunately, it was only active for another 20 years or so and declined again because of the different outlooks of its members. Nevertheless, the fruits of the Academia´s work were not lost and were reflected in many different fields of art, transforming Ljubljana into a flourishing baroque town. Spurred on by the “Operosi”, the Academy of Music was established in Ljubljana in 1701.
The Academia Operosorum Labacensium is the predecessor of the present Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences.
In commemoration of the establishment of Slovene scientific and academic work, the Republic of Slovenia issued also gold coins. The coins reproduce various motifs connected with the Academia Operosorum Labacensium:
Author of the rough-cast design: Danilo Riznar, Ljubljana
Relief design: Vincenc Vipotnik
Minting of gold coins: International Company Zlatarna Celje, Celje / Slovenia
Čistina | 900/1000 |
Prevzem | Takoj |
Davek | DDV je obračunan od razlike v ceni po 102. in 104. členu ZDDV-1 ter po 110. členu ZDDV-1 ni izkazan na računu. |